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From there, change the location in one application Firefox OR Thunderbird to point to the same location as the other application. ReminderFox was not loading with FF Are there any detailed error logs? You can hide him in the Reminder List and status tooltip by right-clicking and selecting Hide Foxy. We would be happy to get help! Bad decision to make them not compatible with my version. You'll find them in your Firefox or Thunderbird profile directory, with a. reminderfox for thunderbird

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You'll find them in your Firefox or Thunderbird profile directory, with a.

Reminderfox/Google Calender sync on Mac: Login Data Failed. Status - Kalendārs Palīdzība

Then delete the reminderfox directory stored in your Firefox or Thunderbird profile directory, such as: It usually takes 30 minutes for the extension to be available from all of the mirror sites.

Download Now Download Anyway. It seems like Finchsync might be useble for this task since it deals already gor ics files. This should make the Reminderfox ribbon appear.

reminderfox for thunderbird

It can be shortened or increased as desired. After you enter the Google user name and click Retrieve, the Google log-in page opens up in a tab of the current Firefox instance, which you cannot access while the Add-on window is active, so you can't get the Google tocken without closing the Add-on window, and then you can't paste in the token!!!

Reminderfox/Google Calender sync on Mac: Login Data Failed. Status 402

Create an Add-ons Account. Posted Aug Tue 29th 5: Fr to Guenter Wahl Fixed issue where welcome page was continuously displaying after update for some users. Many refactorings to improve startup performance and best practices.

Thanks to contributor Onno Ekker! This user has 2 previous reviews of this add-on. Fixed remindefox with Thunderbird where Adding Reminder to an email was not working. Quick Alarm display would not update properly if another upcoming reminder tab was open Added additional debugging mechanisms: This preference will be remembered across sessions.


You can set the initial snooze alarm value, and the initial alarm action Acknowledge, Mark as Complete, etc Added listener for Backspace Delete on Mac to remove a reminder from the list Bug fixes Fixed issue where files with Timezones could get corrupted causing the Reminder List window to open with no events Fixed bug from 1.

You can now easily recover reminders from the ReminderFox automatic backups. Fixed problem where it was not possible to Add New Categories Fixed issue where exporting reminders to a file would allow you to select a directory instead of a file.

reminderfox for thunderbird

Clear as a bell and smooth as silk. A quand l'update compatible de Firefox Reminder? ReminderFox displays and manages lists of reminders and ToDo's.

It's thunnderbird bloated, adware infested piece of crap. Check out our Mobile Add-ons site. It pains me to say that, but at the moment I intend to settle on Waterfox or some other solution on a permanent basis. This makes it easier to backup reminders to a file without having to go to the Options.

The quick alarm toolbar icon now has a context menu to allow you to remove any quick alarm. However the beloved ribbon icon is not going away. I was able to import all my settings rsminderfox residing in the Firefox directory.

reminderfox for thunderbird

Lightning demands it be in the status bar. Check out Silverlance, the first novel in new fantasy series for kids, at iTunes, amazon. It's quite a relief to see my ReminderFox up and running again. Es una complemento imprecindible lo estuve buscando por mucho tiempo Add extra features and styles to make Thunderbird your own.

The users told us about it loudly, and we listened and changed it; the option is back and is as flexible as it was before.


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